If mama ain't, nobody ain't.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Healthy with a side of Adventurous

So, I'm trying something new. It's called "living the Paleo lifestyle." Though, to be honest, at this point I'm just trying out a few things, and not really converting to anything. If you would like more info on Paleo, as in "paleolithic," go to this awesome blog: www.marksdailyapple.com.

Basically, it's not just a diet, but a holistic approach to a better/healthier lifestyle. No grains, no dairy, no sugar. I know, I know, it sounds crazy. And, I know, grains and dairy are staples in peoples' diets. And as I said, I'm just trying out a few things, and not doing every single thing that Mark recommends. "A Paleo diet, also known as paleolithic diet or caveman diet, is all about natural foods to help achieve great health and a perfect physique." -Paleodietlifestyle.com

I was challenged a few weeks ago by a co-worker to try "living Paleo." I thought is sounded like some crazy fad diet. But after doing some research, I discovered that there are many, many reasons why switching to this kind of diet would be beneficial. You can prevent/avoid all of these things:

*cardiovascular disease
*high blood pressure
*type 2 diabetes
*autoimmune diseases
*colorectal cancer
*diseases related to vitamin and mineral deficiencies

So far, I have cut out cows milk. I have switched to Almond Milk, which is delicious, y'all. I LOVE LOVE LOVE milk so much and to have cut it out is really a big step. I have been a huge milk-drinker my entire life and I thought I was going to hate almond milk. But it's yummy. I still have to keep milk in the house for ze bebe, but I just don't drink it. My next big step shall be bread. I think this will be tough. I don't have any problem not eating bread when I'm at home. But it's those dang bread baskets at restaurants that get me. Also, tortillas. I am going to take baby steps and see how good I feel. Apparently, by cutting out bread from your diet, you can really lose lbs fast.

Here is a recipe that I intend on using. I am a lover of pancakes and have been wondering how exactly I will cut those out. Voila:

Almond Banana Pancakes


2 ripe bananas
1 egg
1 heaping tablespoon of almond butter

Mash the bananas, add the egg and mix well. Stir in the almond butter, adding more if you want a more pancake-like texture.

Warm butter in a pan and pour batter into small cakes. Brown each side and serve warm.

It sounds delicious to me. Although if you are allergic to bananas, I'm not sure what you could substitute. I'm also still trying to think of what I could use as a syrup substitute. I don't just want to eat pancakes sans some kind of topping. But I want to keep the sugar to a minimum. If you have any ideas, let me know!

So! Starting tomorrow: little to no bread. We'll see how it goes. Cross your fingers for me!

A healthyMama is a happyMama


  1. Not drinking milk is not necessarily a bad thing. Some people never drink it due to allergies or sensitivities. As for bread, if you have a slice or two, you should only go for the whole grain stuff. Have your B vitamins checked from time to time--there's a blood test for it. Lack of whole grains can lead to it--but not definitely depending on the rest of your diet. You can get whole grain from other sources. Remember that peanut butter and whole wheat create a whole protein.

    Good luck honey, it's a good time to create good patterns and habits for yourself and your family.

  2. You could eat your pancakes with a little no-sugar peanut butter, or some no-sugar-added fruit spread. We have been buying some super awesome blackberry fruit spread at walmart that has no added sugar. It's by all the other jam, and the brand is Polanger.
    I think that any fad diet that cuts out an entire food group - and you're cutting out two entire food groups - is a fad diet. And how many "cavemen" had access to bananas or almond milk? I also think that paleolithic cavemen ate whatever they could find or catch. There's still a lot of caveman in all of us. : )

  3. I did the paleo diet for a few months when i first started working out. it was terribly hard, and i didn't succeed. But I am old and compulsive, and you are young and brave. I say go for it, but then work the things you love back into your diet. I, for one, don't eat bread anymore. Or pasta. But I love tortillas, on occasion. I have never been a big milk drinker, so when I have that rare bowl of cereal, it is ok. I eat greek yogurt, some cheese (with those tortillas). I like to eat nuts and seeds, and while I will never be able to go all paleo, I think I have found a nice balance. Find your balance, Karie, and go from there. Do what you feel right about.
